Kyle Miller and Kory Randa worked collaboratively to bring you the most awesome skin and bones project ever created in the history of man. No mere mortal words can ever be written to fully justify the greatness of this project, so we shall let the images of greatness be evidence for our work and skill. Do not be afraid to bask in the glory of our presence.
...but just to sum it up we created a seat surface in rhino and exported contours of it to cad where the frame was drawn, then we CNCed the living daylights out of it, and created a mold of the seat surface. Then we used the mold to create a fiber glass resin seat that we painted and sanded, and put clippy things on the bottom to hold it in place ... so thats our chair.
by the way, the frame was all out of one 4x8 sheet of plywood. we can send you plans...for a price. hefty price.